2023 is over and here are my top 8 books of this year. It was incredibly hard to choose some instead of others, but here's my list!
I wish all of you could try out these books if you haven't already and if you have, let me know in the comments!
Starting from number 8, we have Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger. This used to be my favourite series, but as I mentioned in some of my previous posts, KOTLC is degrading and I hope it gets revived soon. Overall, the concept and storylines are good, but some errors in the writing have made it a bit disappointing.
Number 7 - Murder most Unladylike by Robin Stevens. This series of murder mysteries was so clever and made me think. The plots are amazing, not to mention the plot twists. This book also shows some of the difficulties faced by women in the general world and how they overcome it. This would be a perfect read for those who want mysteries. If it hadn't been for some of the other truly spectacular books, this one would have ranked higher!
Next up, at 6, we have the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I absolutely ship Katniss and Peeta, they are amazing together. The story has everything - reality, thriller, mystery, romance and comedy. It is an amazing read for those who want thrill and adventure.
The GONE series by Michael Grant takes up the 5th spot. This story is the perfect combination of magic and reality. When I say magic, do not mistake it to be some kids' adventure book. Appropriate for readers of the ages 13 and above, this book would quickly make top 5 for anyone.
At 4, we have the ever famous Harry Potter by JK Rowling. This would be higher up on the list, but seeing this book literally everywhere kind of brought down the thrill for me. It is an amazing book anyway, and I have read the novel multiple times. This is the sort of book that no matter how many times you read, you always discover something new to love.
Coming to the Top 3, we have the Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. This book was so complex I had to draw a family tree just to remember who goes where. The complexity is a part of the story and I wouldn't have it any other way. This book is perfect for anyone who wants a detailed read which gives something to think about. However, this does not mean that it doesn't have romance, comedy and drama!
The second best book of the year is..... the Ram Chandra series by Amish. Some people as soon as they see the name, shrug the book off, thinking it is mythology and what not. This couldn't be further away from the truth. This book is a modern adaptation of the legend Ramayana. There is no magic or gods in this book and everything mentioned here is absolutely scientific. You may even learn a thing or two here!
Coming to my favourite series I have ever read, with amazing character development, comedy, thrills and adventure, we have a book by Eoin Colfer - Artemis Fowl. I did recently post about this book in my blog- you should definitely check it out. This book has everything I have wanted in a novel. It is about a boy, with intellect beyond measure, who stumbles upon the hidden world of fairies, pixies, leprechauns and whatnot. He starts off wanting to steal their gold, but as the series progresses, he travels through time streams with them, travels to the past, underground and into limbo. All these ends up in him realising the importance of friends and family and the support of those around him. The starting was a bit slow, but after around 40 pages, the book was unstoppable. I recommend everyone to read this series without a doubt.
I wish everyone an amazing year ahead, and to all my fellow bookworms- may you find the book of your dreams! Happy New Year 2024!